Create Hosting-Only Package


Verified User
Feb 25, 2009
Hi all,

I am new to this control panel. I would like to know if the following is possible in DirectAdmin.

I want to create a hosting-only package in DA. I have discovered that everytime I register a new account, it will create the DNS Zone file automatically. This will be no problem for us because as long as the nameservers for the existing domains are not pointing towards us. But, with the mail, EXIM lookup if the destination mail domain is local by reading the /etc/virtual/domains file.

Is this actually possible to do in DA?
You need to have the DNS zone file; DirectAdmin uses it for it's own (to verify whether or not a site exists on the server before adding it), but as you write, you don't need to point to it.

You can either create a script to run when a domain is created, which will make the changes required to /etc/virtual/domains.

Or you can turn on DNS management for the site, then at the user level click on MX Records and follow the self-explanatory instructions for using other mailservers, and then if you want, after saving the new configuration, turn DNS management for the site back to off.

Hi Jlasman,

Thanks for the quick and clear reply about this.

Your point is well taken.

Btw, is this the only thing that I need to be concerned with when I create a hosting-only package? How is this usually done in the normal implementation?

Thanks in advance.
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You might want to also create a separate skin for these packages, with no reference to email.

A) I was wondering, should there not be a way to create a user account without a domain ? That is realy hosting only. And with the number of allowed domains for that user you can determine of they can add ad domainname thereselfs.

B) I guess it should be logical since you are able to create a user with a domain, and then delete that domain and after that only the user remains... Because of that I think A should be possible ?

It sounds weird... I know ;-)

But I sell hosting only products where the user can add 1 domain himself(domainregistration elsehwhere). I force them to enter a domain in the administration right now so that I can add it through the API.
Does the API allow you to delete a domain? If so, then why not just send in the API and then do a post-create script to delete it using the API?

Thx! Yes that is possible. But since my DNS automaticly syncs with the main dns(remember ;-)) I should delete it in DA and then again in the main DNS servers(only one, the others are slaves).

It is possible but I will not win any prices with it I guess ;-)
That depends how fast you slave :).

Our Master2Slave DNS Replicator has a file you can put domains in you wish to not transfer.

Well the assumption that it was not allowed because it is not allowed in the web interface was not entirely weird of course.....

It's not that I ask before I try...