create subdomain


Verified User
Dec 17, 2019
Good morning everyone, I have the following problem, when trying to create a subdomain in the panel it is created successfully, when trying to open the url of the created subdomain I receive the message This site was not found, if I add another user domain to the same user domain new domain in your account I also receive the same message.Only the main account works.Ex (does not load) (loads without problems)domain.com2 (does not load)Note: if you create any folder within the domain, it will not load.
Just to be sure. So you create a subdomain. Then nowadays by default it will look like:
did you put some index file like index.htm in this public_html?

Or did you create the subdomain in another way?
Hi Richard Please see the attachment to see how I create it!


  • Screenshot_2.png
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If is your real domain, then check your DNS/Nameservers because it's not resolving.
If the main domain does not resolve, neither will a subdomain.
Domain pointers also require DNS. Or if you mean it's masked domains, then please provide me with the correct ones, eventually per private message if you don't want them seen in public.
Please use English as I don't understand Spanish.
Thank you. Looks good but is not propagating properly. Most likely because your nameservers are known, but not reachable.
Might be firewall issue (closed port 53 or something like that).
if you want to debug more detail, use second server or other server with "dig" command.

dig any @

p.s.: "" is IP of your current problem server.
As said, it's all configured correctly, but the nameservers are not responding. Port 53 is open correctly in the firewall.
So have to see if bind/named is running.