Create user account for domain x when domain x is already added on reseller level


Verified User
Nov 2, 2011

I use DA as a reseller as I design websites for clients and then host them myself. Since I usually create very static websites, clients have never asked me to be able to login to DA (user level) themselves to set things up.

Now I have a client though who would like to install wordpress and such. No problem, I thought, I'll just make a new user for him and give him user-level access to DA.

However, when I try to create a new user for his domain (as I saw on, I get an error stating:

Cannot Create Account


That domain already exists

So now I'm wondering, do I have to delete the domain first at the reseller level (and thus take down the website for a moment) to be able to re-link it with my hosting package, this time through adding a user (instead of simply adding a domain, which Ive always done in the past and then using my own login details to get access to all domains).

Thanks for any advice!
Create a new account with a and then move original domain from your account to an account of your customer with


Note, MySQL databases won't be either moved or renamed, if used with the domain.
Thank you both for your quick help!

I have succesfully managed to create a new account using a subdomain (i.e., whereas didnt work). But I'm afraid I don't fully understand the follow-up steps you've outlined. Im just a simple designer, though eager to learn :)

zEitEr, how can I go here: /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/ ?
I tried (which doesnt work)

SeLLeRoNe, where can I insert that command?
cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts
./ olduser newuser
You need to do that using SSH, if you dont have root access to the server you need to ask to who is providing you the reseller account or use the other way (remove the domain from you account and create the user with the domain).

Thanks again, I have checked my reseller account details and I don't have access to SSH :( .. there goes my wish of wanting to learn by doing I guess.

I will make a backup of the domain/site, remove the domain from my reseller account, create a new user with that specific domain and re-upload the website.
(can't find an edit-option, so new post)

Now I have almost done as said before:
- deleted domain
- made new user (with domain)

Now I cannot add the domain under "user level" > "domain administration" however, because its already connected with the newly created user.

Is this the way DA is supposed to work? I though that as a reseller I had all domains under my wings within DA as well?
Is correct.

Reseller manage user that manage domains (so you can go to the user you wanna edit and "log as user".

Reseller have also his own user lever (usually for your own domain).

I would greatly suggest you to keep always separated customer's domains and your own domain.

Thanks Sellerone, my questions have been answered regarding this topic!

And I will take your advice to heart :)