Created / Expire - Feature Req


Verified User
Sep 11, 2006
Infront of my server
I think lots of people here also want to have the chance to see when account was created also maybe a function to add in the function to see the expire time for the current domain for example ?

Think its quite easy to add the function at the LIST USERS page a field where it says account created DATE

Also maybe a function to add expire date to the account for domain when the domain expires ?

Maybe a function to add to the useraccount expire time.
How many days left before the account expire and automatic mail to admin that the following account will expire in <days>.

Then with a button renew or something.
Think its quite easy to add the function at the LIST USERS page a field where it says account created DATE

You can already view the date when the account as been created on this page: /CMD_SHOW_USER?user=USER
But that doesn't list them all on one screen.

The expire functionality is quite a bit more complex, and probably would be best served as a plugin. But I don't know if you could then input it on the account creation page.

I think this could be solved using third-party plugin or try WHMCS. Regards ;)
I also would like this!!

I think is useful to view on list account creation dates, going trough each of the accounts to check the date is a bit too much when having a few of them.

In the meantime i use this command to more or less get a list:

grep date_created /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/*/user.conf
