It looks like something is a miss on our shared hosted server when running a manual DA full domain/ database backup, where as it's generating high loads.
Until our hosts have figured out what's wrong, they've suggested me creating a CronJob.
I can see the link to CronJob in DA, and i can easily create the schedule, but creating the job it's self, i havn't a clue.
I assume, i have to either create a file and drop the location to this file this in the command box, or dump the whole command in there.
Eitherway, it's nothing iv'e ever done before.
Could anyone point me in the right direction.
I did a search, but the results i got back didn't really help.
It looks like something is a miss on our shared hosted server when running a manual DA full domain/ database backup, where as it's generating high loads.
Until our hosts have figured out what's wrong, they've suggested me creating a CronJob.
I can see the link to CronJob in DA, and i can easily create the schedule, but creating the job it's self, i havn't a clue.
I assume, i have to either create a file and drop the location to this file this in the command box, or dump the whole command in there.
Eitherway, it's nothing iv'e ever done before.
Could anyone point me in the right direction.
I did a search, but the results i got back didn't really help.