Creating a mirror server and keeping it up to date


Verified User
Dec 15, 2003

I need some help in configuring a mirror server.

I would like to be able to configure a second server that would take the place of my main server in casse this one fails (it happends qite often thosee days and I cannot figure out why) by changing it's ip.

I have the sysbk script installed and running but I dont knwo if it is a good idea to do so.

Maybe using rsync would be a better idea.

Can anyone give me some help ?
I don't know in wich direction to go...

Yes, you can never have too much redundancy these days. If you had a backup server, you'd really only need to change the nameservers at your registrar to use the new ns1/ns2 values for the server.. everything would slowly propogate to the new values on the server.

As for how to do it... it would be up to you. I believe there is a "full server backup script" available which may work for you. You may, or may not have already seen it, but just pick a method to get the files across. Rsync seems like a reasonable tool, but I havn't used either, so maybe someone else can make some comments.

Then the only issue is to make sure you keep the IP's on the 2nd server pointing to the 2nd server.. and upon any updates have a script go through and replace the 1st server ips with the 2nd server IPs.

OK, no licence problems with DA as the backup server will have a copy of the software .. (?)

I don't think the full server backup is a good solution as there is no "full server restore" script yet. I wanted to use this kind of backup to create the mirror but it is too much work to do by hand (50 users ..)

I ll dig with rsync, if any user on the forum has something aldready working using this kind of sulution, I would be glad to hear from him.

edit no "server mirroring feature" in sight ? ;-)

DA wont run with the same license on a different IP.. so that would be one issue. You'd need to contact us to change the IP in the license file.

No server mirror feature from us anytime soon :)
