Creating a mpg from jpg's


Verified User
Nov 7, 2006
Leek, NL
Hi, i have set up a webcam that saves picts to a dir. I want to make a "timelapse" movie from the images saved here. I searched the net for a nice how to, but the only thing i can find is using the convert command from ImageMagick. This works rather good in shell, however using php's exec() command does not create any output. What is want to do is the following: create an "day" movie, a week, a month and total movie. created nightly via cron.

a. Has anyone developed a similar script in php /cgi?
b. Can anyone give me a clue why my exec() does not function?
c. All ideas and insprirations, links etc. are very welcome!

i already set up a cronjob for generating these movies:


## Camera script om een filmpje te maken van die dag ##

convert -delay 10 -quality 75 /home/username/domains/`date --date="yesterday" +%Y_%m-%d`*.jpg /home/username/domains/userdomain/public_html/webcam/day/`date --date="yesterday" +%Y_%m_%d`.mpg
This generates a movie of all images shot the previous day.
The cron is set to run at 01:02 hours everyday.
2 1 * * * /home/username/domains/

When i ssh (as root) to this server and type:
the file is generated nicely.

However the cron ran in the night (looking at the log) but there was no resulting file.
Is this some permissions issue? Can anyone help?

This problem has been resolved: important to use full path names in the cron-script
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