I have a database that I would like to upload to the server. I could not find how to do this through phpMyAdmin since it asks you to first select a DB. Obviously I cannot do that since I have not uploaded it yet.
Then I created the DB in the control panel under the site I wanted it in (All my sites are created under the admin since they are all my sites and I am the admin.) However, when I then go to phpMyAdmin there is only one DB there and it is for another of my sites.
The new DB shows up in the DirectAdmin DB list but not in the phpMyAdmin list of DBs.
I tried uploading my DB from DirectAdmin and was successful but it still says "0.0 MB" and does not show in phpMyAdmin.
How can I get the DB structure I have in "****.sql" format onto my server so I can view it in phpMyAdmin and add or change tables through phpMyAdmin?
Your help is appreciated.
Then I created the DB in the control panel under the site I wanted it in (All my sites are created under the admin since they are all my sites and I am the admin.) However, when I then go to phpMyAdmin there is only one DB there and it is for another of my sites.
The new DB shows up in the DirectAdmin DB list but not in the phpMyAdmin list of DBs.
I tried uploading my DB from DirectAdmin and was successful but it still says "0.0 MB" and does not show in phpMyAdmin.
How can I get the DB structure I have in "****.sql" format onto my server so I can view it in phpMyAdmin and add or change tables through phpMyAdmin?
Your help is appreciated.