Creating Email Users w/Telnet


Verified User
Jun 15, 2004
I need to move a large number of users from another server to the DA box. I was thinking I could create a text file of usernames and passwords and paste it into a telnet session. Is that possible and if so what would the syntax to create a email user with telnet be?

Another thing. Does anyone know of a program/script that will pop all email messages from a given account and move them all to a directadmin server?

Again I was think of creating a text file full of usernames and passwords and pasting into a telnet session or something.

Would be nice if Directadmin just had a RAQ550 import utillity.

hci said:
I need to move a large number of users from another server to the DA box.
Let's make sure we have the terminology right, so we don't make any mistakes here...

RaQ550 users need to be converted into POP3 E-Mail accounts.

But the RaQ550 site-admin is replaced by the site login user.

You may not want to do one-to-one replacements from the RaQ550 to the DA system. For example, if you've got tom-1 and tom-2 and tom-3 as users, with aliases of tom to each of them, for domains 1, 2, and 3, you might just want to convert them to tom@eachdomain, since you're going to have to teach your email users how to log in anyway.
I was thinking I could create a text file of usernames and passwords and paste it into a telnet session. Is that possible and if so what would the syntax to create a email user with telnet be?
I don't think it's doable quite that simply, and because of the issues I've brought up and others, I'm not sure you'd want to, even if you could, once you thought out the entire transfer process.

Creating new POP3 E-Mail accounts and forwards is quite fast under DA; much faster than doing the same on a RaQ.
Another thing. Does anyone know of a program/script that will pop all email messages from a given account and move them all to a directadmin server?
I had one once and I can't find it now :( . It was a one-liner and used procmail, formail, or sendmail; I can't remember which. Anyone?
Would be nice if Directadmin just had a RAQ550 import utillity.
Sure would. Would you like to write it :) ?

Lets simplify the question. Can I create an email user with Telnet/SSH? If so how?

I know about the duplicate users issue and etc. But I will deal with them later in the process likely with the GUI.

I would also like to count with a way to create a large number of email accounts with a batch procedure from comman line (SSH/Telnet), however it seems that this feature is not available.

I wonder if it could be made calling a custom php script that make use of the Direct Admins API.

hci said:
Lets simplify the question. Can I create an email user with Telnet/SSH? If so how?

I know about the duplicate users issue and etc. But I will deal with them later in the process likely with the GUI.
