cron datasqk bug/error


Verified User
Jul 8, 2003
Last night (first night since setting up sites), i got over 100 of these emails to root@:

Subject: Cron /usr/local/directadmin/dataskq

Unable to read config file. Check the file permissions

Any ideas?

I've sent you an email, but I'll paste the contents for anyone else to see:

Every minute, the DirectAdmin task queue is run (or attempts to run). This is what the dataskq is. If it cannot run, it will output a message to the screen, or in the case of cron, an email. The "config" file in question is located at:


it should be owned by diradmin and group diradmin. You must make sure that the file can be read by this user. The default permissions are set to:

-rw------- or 600.

so, to fix it, run:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/conf
chown diradmin:diradmin directadmin.conf
chmod 600 directadmin.conf

If that doesn't work, you'll also have to check the permissions of all the directories above it to ensure that the diradmin user is able to read the file.

If it just started to happen, this would indicate that something/someone changed the permissions somewhere, as you would have received this email the momment you installed DirectAdmin if it was always like this.
