Cron description?


New member
Aug 13, 2024
It would be nice to add a description to cron jobs in DA. I don't think this is possible now. If I want to make a feature request where can I do that?
Which description do you want ?
I thought Evolution skin should have enought description.
I would like to be able to add a 'note' to a cronjob so I can add some comment or clarification in it. Or a description of the (purpose) of the cronjob.
I thinks, that's should do via customize skin. since it useless for us, I hope there have someone vote this feature for you.

But you can post feature request here.
Can't you just use a # and then your comment at the end of the command?
I tried adding a comment to the command/ First I tried to put the comment on a new lin, but that would not save, because newlines are not allowed here. But after putting a hashtag (preceded by a space) after the cron command the cron worked OK. So I guess this way we can indeed add a comment to a cron job. I still think having a separate field for this would be nice. But this might also be sufficient in most cases.

Thanks @floyd!