cron + utf8 sans bom


Verified User
Dec 19, 2008

Strange problem today, I lose a lot of time for nothing...

A client has a cronjob, with php.
All works perfectly from his browser, or when I do the cronjob from the server in ssh.

But, when the cronjob is executed via cronjob registered in directadmin, nothing is done.
Php script just read mail and delete them, and register some date in database.
All echo for test are ok, but action are not done.

I solve this problem, just changing UTF-8 sans BOM to UTF-8

Do you know what is this stupid problem ?
Where did change UTF-8 sans BOM to UTF-8? What locale are you using? And what locale is set for your user?
I change the encoding of the page

There is no particular local for this user. I dont' know locale by default create by directadmin
Directadmin create users with your system default locale if other is not specified.

I'm not sure, why your code in "UTF-8 sans BOM" encoding troubles you. Perhaps, you use there some chars, that break anything.