Cronejobs disappear and wont run


Verified User
Jan 5, 2021
Hello everyone. We are running directadmin on almalinux 8. Everything seems to be working fine but since yesterday our cronjobs stopped running, or atleast, most of them. In the directadmin/data/users/ > crontab.conf files all the cronjobs are still stored, but when going to the cronjobs tab of the given users, no cronjobs are listed. Also when adding it back in, no new cronjobs appear, but the complete file is being emptied and only this new cronjob is in there. Some of our older sites still have cronjobs enlisted in the cronjob-tab, but after adding a new one they also dissapear.

The weird part is that until yesterday everything still ran fine. But today most of them are gone.

Is there something that we are missing? We have tried restarting the server, and restarting the directadmin-service but with no results. Also, the disk is not full and CPUs and RAM are fine

Does anyone know what we can do?
maybe permission issues ? (just guessing) try to reset the permission with the DA permission reset script
The crontabs for users are stored in /var/spool/cron. Check to see what is there including modification dates.
/var/spool/cron/<username> is being emptied everytime the cronjobs are saved in the directadmin > cronjobs panel. Rights and the like do seem to be just fine.
If the cronjobs are being emptied it makes me wonder if there is some kind of malware running. A lot of times malware will empty cronjobs to avoid being detected. It could easily be something else though.

Are the modification times updated every minute or only right after DA makes a modification?
It is not updated every minute, but only when we change something in DA.

When there is something in one of the /var/spool/cron files, and we save a crone job in DA, it throws the file in /var/spool/cron empty. As a result, the cronejobs are thus gone.

We've already been puzzling with the direct_crons function but that doesn't help us either.