I'm try to run a cronjob, but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
I have a php test file that I'm uing right now to test the cronjob
//Filename: /home/******/domain/*********.com/public_html/crontest.php
mail ("[email protected]", "Cron Successful!", "Hello World!");
This is the actual cronjob that I set up
*/1 * * * *
I am fairly sure the path is correct.
When I call the crontest.php file manually via a web web browser it works,
but not when the cronjob is suspossed to send it.
I have a dedicated server, and the domain I'm using is on one the the Reseller Accounts.
Any ideas where I'm going wrong here?
I have a php test file that I'm uing right now to test the cronjob
//Filename: /home/******/domain/*********.com/public_html/crontest.php
mail ("[email protected]", "Cron Successful!", "Hello World!");
This is the actual cronjob that I set up
*/1 * * * *
I am fairly sure the path is correct.
When I call the crontest.php file manually via a web web browser it works,
but not when the cronjob is suspossed to send it.
I have a dedicated server, and the domain I'm using is on one the the Reseller Accounts.
Any ideas where I'm going wrong here?