Solved csf integration vs customization


Verified User
Jul 22, 2017

The Guide shows to remove these files.
What I want know are there standard versions I can copy to script custom? I want to add info to them. I cant find them.

Also can I changed the location of these files in the directadmin.conf. Without breaking the Native integration or do I not need them?
These values are here

If not I assume I can just customize like in Alex's old script?
What I want know are there standard versions I can copy to script custom? I want to add info to them. I cant find them.
I don't know sure if I understand you correctly, but I don't use the automatic/integrated system. Install CSF/LFD myself.
However I do use the first 2 files mentioned because DA's internal BFM looks for these anyway.

For example my looks like this:
ip=$value $SCRIPT
exit $?;
So this is purely to have DA's BFM put some value stuff into the script and call it automatically which contains this:

/etc/csf/ -td $ip 14400 BFM IP Block

exit 0;
which takes cate that the bruteforce is temporary banned for 14400. I do have another value in there, this is just an example, so fit this time to your needs.

The files
are used to get the windows with the ip's in the BFM in DA's GUI.
I presume if you want to change the location (I wonder why) it should be changed in the according .sh files.
Yes I am interested in going back to the custom way like you have. Like the way it was before the integration.

It was this way in FreeBSD. I could make it what I wanted.
There is still some manual from Zeiter for the old ways where the /root/blocked_ips.txt work. I used them without that and then have them mentioned but without any content.
You can find that here:

Depends on what you want. You can also easily unblock an ip from the csf plugin, which nowadays also can be used by resellers.
So it's a choice. Use the build in. the one from Poralix or use your own. The ones from Poralix and your own are customizable anyway, just have to watch out what you're doing.

I didn't want to be bothered anymore so I let BFM just trigger an automatic temp ban and ready. CSF detects temp bans and creates definate bans when some ip has x tempbans within an x period of time. So I don't have to look at it anymore. And if some customer gets banned (happens rarely) he's fastly unblocked, either via GUI of CSF or (like I do) via SSH.
In such cases I anyway always look into the lfd.log to find the reason why. Which is mostly some password error on some mobile device or older laptop which got into use again. ;)