CSF/LFD SMTP_BLOCK set to 0 after full rebuild


Verified User
Oct 28, 2020

On a new installed server, we disable SMTP_BLOCK by setting it to 0. But we see that if we do a full rebuild:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build clean
./build update
./build update_versions
./build all d
./build rewrite_confs

After this, we saw that the SMTP_BLOCK is set back to 1. Is this expected? If it's expected how can we prevent this from happening that the CSF/LFD is overwritten by DA.
Question is why you would need to do a "./build all d" so often. Normally that is not needed.

You could use a chattr +t command on the csf.conf so it won't be overwritten. However, most likely it won't be updated on changes then either, when for example new features are added.

Another option is to disable CSF from being installed or updated by Directadmin at all, but I'm not sure how that is done afterwards.
We always install CSF/LFD ourselves and use some custom scripts and then DA does not care about it anymore.

Maybe it's a good idea to send in a feature request, so just like php.ini the csf.conf is switchable in directadmin's options.conf so it won't be overwritten on a rebuild.
I guest you have option in custombuild "csf=yes"

So try set to "no" and check again that it still overwritten or not.
Thx, I'm aware of CSF=no, so that is the way to go to prevent DA from installing/updating CSF/LFD configuration I guess.
Updating is done via cron so that is not a problem, you will keep getting CSF updates which is good.

But CSF=no prevents DA from installing or replacing it, so this would indeed prevent that your csf.conf would be overwritten.
Please remember to do a ./build update command after you changed the setting, so it will be effetive.
replying to this 1year old topic, don't care if someone gets mad at me for replying.

but was having this issue, we configured SMTP_BLOCK to 0, and for no reason was reverting it back.

it seems it was this exact thing, having csf yes on custombuild. it's odd.. it shouldn't overwritte your own config, but it did after certain amout of time (or after a DA update maybe).