csf update problem


Verified User
Oct 5, 2021
Hello to everyone,

when i want to update csf i get error as below :



I would be very happy if you could help me with this subject.

my regards, thanks.
1.CURL is controlled by Custombuild , check if you have an manual install outside of CS
2. I assume that WGET is installed ? ( yum install wget -y )
1.CURL is controlled by Custombuild , check if you have an manual install outside of CS
2. I assume that WGET is installed ? ( yum install wget -y )
yes wget installed.

Will reinstalling the csf solve my problem?
Will reinstalling the csf solve my problem?
No that will probably only give you the newest CSF but will not fix the update issue.

Check for this in csf.conf:
URLGET = "2"
if you have this, then you should have some perl things mentioned present, otherwise use 1 or 3 and restart csf.

Also search for wget and a lot lower in csf.conf you will find this. Check that these paths are correct for your distro.
CURL = "/usr/bin/curl"
WGET = "/usr/bin/wget"

and verify they are indeed present there.
No that will probably only give you the newest CSF but will not fix the update issue.

Check for this in csf.conf:
URLGET = "2"
if you have this, then you should have some perl things mentioned present, otherwise use 1 or 3 and restart csf.

Also search for wget and a lot lower in csf.conf you will find this. Check that these paths are correct for your distro.
CURL = "/usr/bin/curl"
WGET = "/usr/bin/wget"

and verify they are indeed present there.
Thank you very much. I made URLGET="1" and my problem was solved.

I've read your other posts. You are a true expert. Kind regards.