custom build issues


Verified User
Oct 22, 2003
Calgary, AB
Maybe I am doing something wrong but I always have the same problems.

1. Running ./build php n breaks everything, always. It rewrites my conf files and then getting a number of errors including:

Invalid command 'suPHP_UserGroup', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration


[Wed Aug 13 06:58:00 2008] [error] [client xx.xx.xx.xx] No user or group set - set suPHP_UserGroup

In the custombuild FAQ it just says to rebuild suphp with ./build suphp. This doesn't fix the problem, building as owner and following these steps here does:

A number of times too I have to download the custom.tgz template files and overwrite the ones custombuild is adding just to get apache to start.

2. rebuilding apache erases my httpd.conf. I have custom configs in there (loading coldfusion, and adding index.cfm as a default index) for this I have to edit it every time after a build. I also have a mod_proxy config setup to forward to DA for clients behind corporate firewalls, I have to follow this every single time I recompile apache, which isn't even accurate for apache2 (this needs to be updated by DA to include custombuild instructions of installing mod_proxy, editing virtual_host2 files instead of regular ones ):

Also following these instructions aboves will also cause the error:

Invalid command 'suPHP_UserGroup', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

because it tells you to cp a bunk virtual host file to custom, breaking everything. Then you have to download the custom.tgz template filepack from DA, extract it overwriting the custom folder and then do the changes ensuring you are editing virtual_host2.conf if you have apache 2.

so if anyone knows how I can avoid these problems please let me know.

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Do: "./build suphp". If it doesn't help - check if you don't have any old custom templates in /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/custom. If you do - take a look at the default templates and add the "new" changes to your files.
Copy them from /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates and add your "custom" code then.
get the error after copying them, that's where the problems start is after copying any templates from data overwriting the ones in custom.
Maybe you need to do "chattr -i" for the custom ones? If you want, I can take a look at your server.