Custom messages templates for resellers


Verified User
Sep 14, 2005
I would like to request custom messages templates for resellers. I have mailed this to John already but thought it might be an idea to see other users stand towards this.

Basically, we would like a reseller to be able to specify the messages sent to users when they reach a certain limit or on auto suspension. I think there's one missing for backups at the moment as well, on server (templates folder) level that is.

As a company, we need to have more information within these messages, though at the moment we can't. There are resellers on those servers as well, who sell their service white-label. They don't like it when we place links within these messages to our knowledgebase for more information.

Just to clarify: I know you can change templates as a server admin, but those templates are for all users and would affect our resellers as well.
Question: Do you just want DA to include this in some future version or do you want to know how to do it now?
Well, it isn't possible at the moment. I thought it might be at the time of the start of the thread, but the |CREATOR| token is not available in those templates right now so that makes it impossible - or at least not easy. Using the |DOMAIN| token is not something we prefer.

Some might find it interesting to have it as an option for resellers so they can specify it theirselfs from within the DirectAdmin panel. We would be happy already if the |CREATOR| token was available (as by example of John):

|*if CREATOR="bob"|
bobs code...
|*if CREATOR="fred"|
freds code...
|*if ISSET="no"|
code because no reseller has been seen, so this is for everyone else.
Well, it isn't possible at the moment.

Well it is possible but just not for DA to do it. That is why I was asking do you want to wait for DA to do it or do you want a solution to accomplish your goal now.

Many times I have solutions but people want the solution to be included with DA. I am not going to waste time explaining how to do it if the only solution you are going to except is for it to be included in DA.

Your feature suggestion is a good one. I just want to know if you wanted a work around for now if if you wanted to wait.
Well it is possible but just not for DA to do it. That is why I was asking do you want to wait for DA to do it or do you want a solution to accomplish your goal now.

Many times I have solutions but people want the solution to be included with DA. I am not going to waste time explaining how to do it if the only solution you are going to except is for it to be included in DA.

Your feature suggestion is a good one. I just want to know if you wanted a work around for now if if you wanted to wait.

Oh don't get me wrong, if there is another solution possible (besides using the |DOMAIN| token within the templates, as that's a workaround for now), I'd be happy to hear it. Though it depends on the changes that are involved, not because we don't like to do custom work, just for the sake of updates mostly.

However, if John decides to include this in future release or makes the |CREATOR| token available at first in the messaging templates, don't waste your time. Our templates are already build around the first principle now and I'm sure you can find your time more useful ;)

I've sent John an e-mail with my findings this morning, so either way, let's wait for his response first, after the weekend's over.