custom reseller package creation


Verified User
Apr 23, 2004
St Louis
I've created a very extensive script that does many fabulous things when creating user accounts. It saves me major time having the script auto install oscommerce and prepopulate the store database with all the products in my product line.

I've recently started focusing on reseller clients, who are also direct distributors of the world of products product line. By making a world of products distributor a reseller on my server, I can share the store automation that I use with them. As long as all resellers have a package called "webstore", all new users will have their store created seamlessly without me or the reseller ever having to be involved. Since I've had such great success with, I really thought copying my packages.list and packages directory to a new resellers /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/$ENV{username} directory would be a piece of pie. But it turns out, I was wrong.

My has a subroutine that basically says if the user type is "reseller" and the user package name is "wholesaler" then copy my packages directory and my packages.list file from my personal user directory to their user directory. Finishing up with a quick chown -R directadmin:directadmin on their user directory should have been all I needed. Unfortunately something in the DirectAdmin account creation script runs after my automation and reinitializes the packages.list file, blanking out the packages.list file.

Can anyone tell me which script is running after that I can make changes to and stop it from auto generating the packages.list file?