custom SPF record


Verified User
Sep 19, 2006
One of the domains with www hosted remotely (only DNS configured on local server with DA) has Google Mail driven mail. Everything is fine up to the point to setup custom SPF record for that particular domain.

DA does not allow to delete default SPF record with local server IP, nor does it allow to create new one. If I directly edit the .db file for that particular domain it is overwritten next time I edit DNS entries for that domain via DA.

I cannot edit default templates as it's for several domains only.

How do I keep custom SPF entry for particular domain and still be able to edit DNS settings via DA?
On my DA I can delete the SPF "TXT" record and add a new one through the DNS Administration panel, without any problems. Which error do you have?

If you want to modify a record manually you can't modify the zone file directly, as in a DA server those zones are setup dynamically; you will have to use the command line application "nsupdate", ment exactly for that.
Here is a simple guide for nsupdate:
deleting entry

No idea on why I cannot delete TXT entry with SPF details. I mark the checkbox and select "Delete Selected". After this I am redirected back to the same page - nothing changes, the TXT entry is not deleted.

Could it be because there is a custom named template (probably created after regular DA update) in data/templates/custom/named.db?
Uhm, it may be... maybe you forgot the <"> at the beginning and end of the string? I remember something about nsupdate not working without them, maybe DA's DNS dynamic update library has the same problem.
If that's the case, you may want to stop bind, fix the zone file and restart it.
Tillo, the quotes (") are there. I attached the screenshot.


I tried creating new primary DNS zone with DA. SPF entry is created automatically and it cannot be deleted.
Well... if your DA is updated and you are using the last bind9 distribution, I'm out. Sorry not to be able to help.
Yep, I have the last version (updated yesterday to Version 1.331). Does DA delete TXT entry with SPF params for you?

DirectAdmin creates zone file records using it's templates. Check your DirectAdmin templates directory and the custom subdirectory to see why you're getting a TXT record you don't feel you should be getting.
