Custom Subdomains


Verified User
Jan 31, 2006
Netherlands, Den Haag
I can't figure out how i can customize my subdomains. All i can do now is create an subdomain wich is an folder (with the same name as the subdomain) in the html_public. But what i want is to customize my subdomains, i want to say myself wich folder to target when i add an subdomain.

I suggest editing the http.conf file for your particular domain then.

Just add in another server alias block. You'll be able to infer what to do after you load up and read the conf file.

The file should be in

At least, the above was what i did, as i didn't want the kind of subdomains that were being created by default. I wanted subdomains that i could configure to have apache redirect to specific folders for a specific user.

Anyone know of a better and more correct way to do it, please do help us out! :)
Can you post a path for me to help me visualize how DA creates the directory structure for domains please.

Like if you have multiple domains in one account and then some of those domains have subdomains.

I use Hsphere and i am looking into DA. In Hsphere it looks like this:


Same thing with sub domains:

Each domain gets it's own directory and that is the web root for it.
Look, when i am at my DA panel, and i click on the "Subdomain Management"-button at the You're Domain part, i get this:

i only can add a subdomain wich is actually an alias to a folder in the public_html..
example ->

And what i want, is to customize the subdomain paths, to do things like this:
example ->
or ->

Is this possible?


I can't acces the httpd.conf, i rented a spot on a server, i share the server with about 8 people..
I can't acces the httpd.conf, i rented a spot on a server, i share the server with about 8 people..

You're outta luck then i guess, unless the DirectAdmin developers can think of something.

DA is going to create subdomain steve as ~/public_html/steve (where ~ refers to your home directory).

What you can do is let it do that, but also create the path as:


and put a redirect (either through php or an .htaccess file) in the ~/public_html/steve directory.

Hmm, yeh worth a try... I'll try this later on today, thanks for the help so far anyway!

But what i want aint that weard, is it? Am I the only one who thinks of this option? :P