customapache future?


Verified User
Oct 4, 2004

I wanted to know what future plans are there for customapache - is it going to be continued? When will it have PHP 5 support along with all the various updated packages of the various software, i.e. MySQL 5, SuPHP, Zend etc?

And what is the status with customapache/custombuild? Which script is officially supported by DA? Will both be supported in the future?

Appreciate official DA comments please.
custombuild is the new "standard" - it'll install the latest and greatest.

That being said, I have encountered numerous issues upgrading from ap1/php4 -> ap2/php5/6 with custombuild ... which are documented in other places in these forums. PERSONALLY, I would advise against upgrading an existing box unless you're VERY comfortable at the *nix command prompt. The issues I had were in the **PAST** - they very well may be resolved now, I haven't tried in approximately 6 months.

Hope that helps.


I wanted to know what future plans are there for customapache - is it going to be continued? When will it have PHP 5 support along with all the various updated packages of the various software, i.e. MySQL 5, SuPHP, Zend etc?

And what is the status with customapache/custombuild? Which script is officially supported by DA? Will both be supported in the future?

Appreciate official DA comments please.

Both are officially supported at the moment. I don't think that CustomApache will have PHP5 support.