Custombuild 1.0.17

Is it working fine for you?

  • Total voters
Expect for the "annoying":

---> Session started at: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 10:48:50 +0200
** No need to upgrade 'libxml2-2.6.29' (>= libxml2-2.6.29). (specify -f to force)
---> ** Upgrade tasks 2: 0 done, 1 ignored, 0 skipped and 0 failed
** No need to upgrade 'libxslt-1.1.21' (>= libxslt-1.1.21). (specify -f to force)
---> ** Upgrade tasks 2: 0 done, 2 ignored, 0 skipped and 0 failed
---> Listing the results (+:done / -:ignored / *:skipped / !:failed)
- textproc/libxml2 (libxml2-2.6.29)
- textproc/libxslt (libxslt-1.1.21)

messages, it works fine.

(We can make this optional by checking whether the files already exist or not and THEN install it if needed, I will try to do this in my custom FreeBSD script which will try to use as much as internal FreeBSD resources as possible, like the ports system etc).

elvandar, it will be fixed into the next release :) Thank you for votes!
Thanks a lot dude! also thanks for all the work you put on it, hopefully I didn't sound to naggy :-)

The only time I ran custombuild (it was for a client) I ran into two problems you had to help me with.

Before custombuild can be the DA standard it has to just work.

jlasman, that's why I'm asking for that :) 1.0.17 should work without any problems. And you tried 1.0.15 (that's why I don't understand why you have voted for "No").
I'm sorry; I didn't look at the version number.

I've edited the poll to take out my vote.

1.0.17c has been released :) It contains some improvements (not fixes).