CustomBuild 1.1.20 and 1.2.14 are coming!


Staff member
Aug 22, 2006
CustomBuild 1.1.20 and 1.2.14 should be released very soon.

  • Added Dovecot 2.0 support.
  • Added Pure-FTPd support.
  • Added SpamAssassin support.
  • Added trap signals support.
  • Added a check for /etc/mysql/my.cnf file on Debian system (MySQL upgrades on Debian should be safer now).
  • Fixed MD5 checks on FreeBSD systems.
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Very nice, thank you! Especially I like the addition of SpamAssassin, it will be very nice to be able to manage it in Custombuild. :)
I hope we will be able to go between proftpd and pureftpd without screwing stuff up.
Both are uploaded on DirectAdmin servers now. Use the latest pre-release version of DirectAdmin if you would like to have Pure-FTPd on the system (this feature requires DirectAdmin version to be higher than 1.36.2).
Thx for the fixes :)
What are the advantages of running Pure-FTPd? It seems more complicated to configure vhosts, each with their own SSL certs.
Why is it trying to downgrade me from spamassassin 3.3.1 to 3.2.5?
Thanks for the report. I've updated the versions.txt to the correct version of SpamAssassin.

interfasys said:
What are the advantages of running Pure-FTPd? It seems more complicated to configure vhosts, each with their own SSL certs.
The simplicity of pure-ftpd is it's lure. The simplicity improves performance and lowers the risk of security issues. I'm still learning it as well, so I'm not sure about the certificates per-IP with it. Note that proftpd will still be an option, we're not planning on dropping it completely.
The simplicity of pure-ftpd is it's lure. The simplicity improves performance and lowers the risk of security issues. I'm still learning it as well, so I'm not sure about the certificates per-IP with it. Note that proftpd will still be an option, we're not planning on dropping it completely.
OK. From what I've seen, the documentation is not as good as what's available for ProFTPd.
How does this work with dovecot2? I ran an update and I'm still seeing dovecot 1.x.

Although the scripts support 2.x, the versions.txt still has 1.2.
All you need to do is edit your versions.txt, change:
to be:
And type:
./build update_data
./build dovecot
testing has been limited so far, so keep your eyes open for any issues.

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build set autover no

And try again.
custombuild script broken on FreeBSD < 8.x

Hi there, looks like the new versions have some changes in them that break native FreeBSD compatability with /bin/sh on versions below 8.x. I've confirmed this on several FreeBSD 6.x and 7.x boxes. the issue is related to the functions in the build script being declared with "function", removing this and declaring them as the other functions in the script are done fixed the issue.

I'm hopeful this can be a made into an update as this is going to affect a large number of servers. :)

./build update
./build: 8211: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
the install goes wel

but dovecot dont starts

2010:12:29-13:35:11: dovecot restarted
2010:12:29-13:36:01: dovecot started
2010:12:29-13:36:11: dovecot restarted
2010:12:29-13:37:01: dovecot started
2010:12:29-13:37:11: dovecot restarted

2010:12:29-13:34:11: service dovecot didn't start, re-starting it
2010:12:29-13:35:01: service dovecot wasn't running, starting it
2010:12:29-13:35:11: service dovecot didn't start, re-starting it

dont see any errors it just dont starts ?

(dovecot stopped working the 26th, tryed reinstall 1.2 version and now new version, it does not mather , dont start with no errors)

using centos

Linux 2.6.18-194.el5 #1 SMP Fri Apr 2 14:58:14 EDT 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

greetings franco
ok found it



and started dovecot again, and runs now

greetings franco