Custombuild 2.0.0-beta1


Verified User
Aug 28, 2012
i just upgraded in CB 2 beta1 and found that httpd service is not working

[root@srv1 custombuild]# service httpd start
Starting httpd: httpd: Syntax error on line 18 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-phpmodules.conf: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache/ into server: /usr/lib/apache/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ok i got that this problem come because of licap missing and wheni install libcap and trying to service httpd restart
[root@srv1 custombuild]# service httpd restart
Stopping httpd: [FAILED]
Starting httpd: [Fri Oct 05 01:02:11 2012] [warn] module ruid2_module is already loaded, skipping
httpd: Syntax error on line 19 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Syntax error on line 2 of /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-phpmodules.conf: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache/ into server: /usr/lib/apache/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[root@srv1 custombuild]# cat /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-phpmodules.conf
LoadModule ruid2_module /usr/lib/apache/
LoadModule mpm_prefork_module /usr/lib/apache/
LoadModule php5_module /usr/lib/apache/

/usr/lib/apache/ the file is not on their location
what i need to do now?
It depend how did install them.

Related are mod_ruid2 and mod_prefork.

I still didnt use CB2.0 so i dont know how to install them with that, but, run ./build should ive the list of avaible commands.

I think you had custom configure scripts in /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/custom. This way apache was not installed with all needed modules.
How to set in CB 2.0 own php.ini per user? For example: all users have default php.ini and few own config.
The per-user php.ini will be in:

where the files would be either php-fpm53.conf or php-fpm54.conf.
The php.ini options are set something like (for example):
php_admin_value[open_basedir] = /home/admin/:/tmp/:/var/tmp/:/usr/local/php53/lib/:/usr/local/php54/lib/

We do have functionality already included in the template for custom entires into these files, just like the Custom Httpd Config options.
There are both CUSTOM1 and CUSTOM2 tokens, at the top, and the bottom, depending on what you need to do.
However, DA does not yet have code to fill those tokens, so although we do plan on implementing the code, right now, we need to get CB 2.0 released.
We'll setup the CUSTOM1 and CUSTOM2 tokens later on, once it's all working well.

i upgrade CB in 2.0 into my 4 server and in all i got one warning msg during the httpd restart
Starting httpd: [so:warn] [pid 28337] AH01574: module ruid2_module is already loaded, skipping
[Mon Sep 10 14:30:44.885231 2012] [core:warn] [pid 28337] AH00117: Ignoring deprecated use of DefaultType in line 111 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.

i try to comment out the line 111 which is "DefaultType text/plain"

still i get the half warning msg.
Starting httpd: [so:warn] [pid 28337] AH01574: module ruid2_module is already loaded, skipping

my first question is "is their any problem in comment out the line which i do "
how can i remove that warning msg
No problem on removing that line.
Regarding mod_ruid2 probably you was already using mod_ruid2 before pass to CB2.0 so you got a double entrance, try:

grep -R "mod_ruid2" /etc/httpd/conf/*

You should receive i suppose 2 line in same file or different file, if yes, remove the line from /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

nothing happen after executing
grep -R "mod_ruid2" /etc/httpd/conf/*

also i try
cat /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf | grep mod_ruid2

still blank result
Well grep command take subdirectory aswell and check every file, that's why i did use that.

Actually is strange that have no result, try using just mod_ruid or ruid between the ""

[root@gps ~]# grep -R "mod_ruid" /etc/httpd/conf/*
/etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-phpmodules.conf:LoadModule ruid2_module /usr/lib/apache/
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:LoadModule ruid2_module /usr/lib/apache/
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.backup:LoadModule ruid2_module /usr/lib/apache/
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.bak:LoadModule ruid2_module /usr/lib/apache/
3 files loading the module /usr/lib/apache/
what i need to remove to remove the error ?
No, the backup are not important.

You got the httpd-phpmodules.conf and httpd.conf

I honestly dont know where CB2.0 put the include, the standard from previous install usually is in httpd.conf so the one in extra folder should be the one put from CB2.0, so, remove the linea in httpd.conf and restart apache

ok i checked
in httpd.conf
LoadModule ruid2_module /usr/lib/apache/ is added and then on next line it include the file by httpd-phpmodules.conf
so i comment out the LoadModule ruid2_module in httpd.conf and all working
thanx for help
Update one Server but i get an error.

Gracefully shutting down php-fpm53: warning, no pid file found - php-fpm53 is not running ?
Starting php-fpm53: [23-Oct-2012 16:10:09] ERROR: unable to bind listening socket for address '/usr/local/php53/sockets/webapps.sock': No such file or directory (2)

I use:

#PHP settings.
Default version of PHP is always php1_release. Possible values for php1/php2_release: 5.3, 5.4, no. php1/php2_mode: cli, cgi (mod_php or FPM)
#Possible values - production or development

Compiled on 'Debian 6.0 64-bit'
Compile time: Oct 23 2012 at 03:15:19