Custombuild 2.0 and PHP-FPM - did you give it a try?


Verified User
Apr 23, 2007
I am currently running custombuild 1.1 with mod_php (cli). Last days I were thinking about upgrading custombuild to 2.0 and using php-fpm instead of mod_php. The memory footprint of php-fpm is smaller than mod_php and it seems to be faster too. Have anyone try to update from custombuild 1 to 2 and also mod_php to php-fpm? I am on a production server (only websites from myself) and I am a little afraid to update both (custombuild and php). Are there people who gave it a try? Tell me your experience and did the upgrade run smoothly?
It updated fine on my server but sites that use Ioncube throw an error 500 now.
Trying to set those to use php 5.3
Did you update from Custombuild 1 to 2? And did you reinstall everything with ./build all d or only apache/php/mysql?
I did the update smtalk points out in the Custombuild 2.0 FAQ topic ;)
Modified options.conf and did ./build all d ;)
I've updated from custombuild 1.2 to 2.0. Updated Directadmin to 1.42, and ran ./build all d. After some tweaking and rewriting the confs it worked 100%.
We've put it on a few servers and aside from a few hiccups here and there it's been good. The default configurations could likely use some tuning for servers with a larger user base, I've found adding:
ulimit -HSs unlimited
ulimit -HSu unlimited
ulimit -HSl unlimited
ulimit -HSq unlimited
ulimit -HSn 65535
To the httpd and fpm init scripts helps to resolve some memory complaints. Lower thread concurrency and higher worker counts seem to also be effective in reducing problems with apache, likely due to the lower per process footprint. Your mileage may vary, this is just what I've observed.

I've also noticed in some instances the -idle-timeout needs to be adjusted for the fcgi socket, this should likely be a tunable as should pm.max_connections.

Also seems to be a glitch with the ioncube/zend options in CB 2.0 as well, they'll append the php.conf.d/directadmin.ini multiple times.

Other than that, no complaints. Pretty much what I expected from a beta but the per-user fpm pool template stuff is worth the hiccups so far. :)
Ok, thanks for all replies guys :)
When Custombuild isn't beta anymore I am going to upgrade.
We've put it on a few servers and aside from a few hiccups here and there it's been good. The default configurations could likely use some tuning for servers with a larger user base, I've found adding:
ulimit -HSs unlimited
ulimit -HSu unlimited
ulimit -HSl unlimited
ulimit -HSq unlimited
ulimit -HSn 65535
To the httpd and fpm init scripts helps to resolve some memory complaints. Lower thread concurrency and higher worker counts seem to also be effective in reducing problems with apache, likely due to the lower per process footprint. Your mileage may vary, this is just what I've observed.

I've also noticed in some instances the -idle-timeout needs to be adjusted for the fcgi socket, this should likely be a tunable as should pm.max_connections.

Also seems to be a glitch with the ioncube/zend options in CB 2.0 as well, they'll append the php.conf.d/directadmin.ini multiple times.

Other than that, no complaints. Pretty much what I expected from a beta but the per-user fpm pool template stuff is worth the hiccups so far. :)

Thank you for the report. ionCube/zend should work fine now (without multiple lines in directadmin.ini). About pm.max_connections, we're thinking about changing the whole mode to ondemand instead of dynamic and change these values in the next beta releases of CB 2.0, but it is still in consideration.
No good for monetisation.


I discovered that changing php-fpm56.conf to pm=dynamic allowed at least one child to be loaded all the time. Php-fpm was slow before because pm=ondemand means that a child has to be fully loaded before servicing data to a client, so if you have a website with low traffic, it is going to be slow.

Pm=dynamic is the best solution because it also takes a very small amount of RAM.

Then, according to my tests php-fpm consumes half RAM as compared to mod_php !!!
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I have been very happy with php-fpm and apache 2.4. I am not using nginx. The pageload is extremely fast with the opcache on.