Solved Custombuild 2.0 issues after filled partition


Verified User
Sep 21, 2021
Een echte Hollander
Dear forum,

I've been out for 3 weeks, and apparently there have been some updates to the DA environment. However, as it tried installing the new DA software, this notification came up, along with some other symptons:

This is an automated message notifying you that an error has occurred while trying to update the software.
v1.63.7 (cd46c74) to v1.63.7 (0575ae2)

The generated error message is as follows:

write /usr/local/directadmin/update-333834571.tar.gz: no space left on device

Please contact JBMC-Software, including the error message. Failure to do so could result in an inactive control panel.

Admittedly, the system was completely filled to the brim with 100% disk usage, so that's probably what happened. It's fixed now, but CMD_PLUGINS_ADMIN/custombuild/index.html shows me the following error:

"This plugin is compatible with CustomBuild 2.x only."


When looking through the forum for several solutions or fixes, this is what I've tried:

If the disk is full
look at
df -h
Does anything show full?

This will help find stuff filling the disk

du -ahx / | sort -rh | head -5
Does anything show full?
This has already been fixed when I found out this was the issue. I've attempted to update Custombuild after this was already solved. df -h will show 84% now, coming down from 100%, but since this is a testserver, it's really no biggy.

It's about the aftermath that's going on.
rm /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild.tar.gz
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build custombuild_plugin
rm /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild.tar.gz
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build custombuild_plugin
[root@vps18 single_pages]# rm /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild.tar.gz
rm: remove regular file ‘/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild.tar.gz’? y
[root@vps18 single_pages]# cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
[root@vps18 custombuild]# ./build update
./build: line 18844: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `}'
./build: line 18845: syntax error: unexpected end of file
[root@vps18 custombuild]# ./build custombuild_plugin
Your build file itself is probably broken. You could try re-installing the latest version of Directadmin:

CHANNEL=current                                                                                             # can be one of: alpha, beta, current, stable
OS_SLUG=linux_amd64                                                                                         # can be: linux_amd64, rhel8_amd64, rhel7_amd64, debian10_amd64, ...
COMMIT=$(dig +short -t txt "$" | sed 's|.*commit=\([0-9a-f]*\).*|\1|')       # can be commit hash literal value if you want specific build to be installed
FILE="directadmin_${COMMIT}_${OS_SLUG}.tar.gz"                                                              # creates download package name from the variables above

curl --location --progress-bar --connect-timeout 10 "${FILE}" --output "/root/${FILE}"   # downloads given directadmin build into /root dir
tar xzf "/root/${FILE}" -C /usr/local/directadmin                                                                         # extracts downloaded package to /usr/local/directadmin
/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin permissions || true                                                                    # runs post-upgrade permission fix step
/usr/local/directadmin/scripts/                                                                                  # runs other post upgrade fixes
service directadmin restart
I have performed the commands above on many servers without issue, but if you're unsure you may want to check with @smtalk or other people on this forum. Not sure if there's another solution, seems like because of your full drive, the last Directadmin upgrade was unable to be completed, resulting in partially downloaded system files etc. So I think it would be best to just do a new update now that you have enough disk space available.
Reinstalling the latest version of DirectAdmin should be safe to execute, I have also done this many times without losing the configuration. If this doesn't work then you could try to download CustomBuild again.

Something like this:
cd /usr/local/directadmin
mv custombuild custombuild_BAK
wget -O custombuild.tar.gz
tar xvzf custombuild.tar.gz
cd custombuild
./build version

You should also copy your configuration files/folders in the new custombuild folder such as the options.conf, custom folder, custom_versions.txt, php_extensions.conf etc.

Always make sure to backup first!

Also if your system ever gets to 100% disk usage then a reboot after cleaning up could solve strange issues you may experience.
I'm afraid I'll still have to keep this answer to myself as I've got too many other things to do. I'll let it be known how everything will go and flow. Thank you all for the replies.