Custombuild 2.0 still auto updating after explicitely telling it not to


Verified User
Sep 21, 2021
Een echte Hollander
Dear DirectAdmin forum,

I've tried to stop Custombuild 2.0 from auto updating servers as soon as a new patch for whichever packet is available since we're running production environments. But for some reason, even after putting in no in the da_autoupdate in the options file, and acknowledging it when going back to the DirectAdmin gui that it's disabled, it still decided to not only get the latest update, but also install it. This is not what I want and I can't figure out why it's still auto updating. What's missing

sed -i "/da_autoupdate/s/yes/no/"  /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/options.conf

But I don't know if something will work after an update, which is why we test stuff out first. Now I need to downgrade Roundcube mail for example. I didn't hear anything from the customers yet, so it may work as intended, but I still need to be sure.

Best of luck out there!
Thank you, I've found the submit button to that option and after hitting that button, it did its thing. I'll wait for a week before marking this as the answer. Why doesn't the option apply right away when you save the edited options?
Is it enabled by default ?
(it seems to be in our last installs and it is a bit surpising that a features not recommendeded for production would be enabled by default)