Custombuild and security updates


Verified User
Dec 3, 2015

I'm not a too experienced admin, but with direct admin and custombuild I'm able to keep multiple servers up and running and safe.

Now there is always a list when I click the custombuild page and I check each update as good as possible if it's needed. But this takes quite some time. The most perfect way (for me) would be if there was an icon behind the "update" button if it's a security update so I can see it has priority. But I'm not sure how much work this would be.

So I wonder, how and where do you check the information about updates and security quickly? When there is a really large leak in Exim for example, I read in on tech sites and such. But these are only the real big leaks.
There are security advisory lists like for CVEs and mailing lists for bigger/more common server software. Watching out for security (updates) is a full time job. I think if you do proper system hardening at the beginning, uninstall unneeded software/packages and update your stuff regularly, you should be quite safe. If you also watch out for IT news and software that's known for security issues, you should be fine against 0815 attacks and bots.

And some security issues won't affect you of course, e. g. because you don't use the affected functions/features or because it's only exploitable in cases which are not given in your setup/project.

Oh and keep in mind that you have to update other software which is not managed by CustomBuild/DirectAdmin as well for security reasons so only this is not enough.
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Thanks a lot for this. It sounds easy, but I was not aware of all these tips. This will help a lot. Let's keep it safe!