custombuild build script broken again.


Verified User
Apr 3, 2009
Fresh install. Breaking my auto installations once again.

[root@webXXXX custombuild]# ./build rspamd
./build: line 1516: [: 7bb57d5b80b660eb81ae54a4078f30531a26f93c: integer expression expected
./build: line 1521: [: 7bb57d5b80b660eb81ae54a4078f30531a26f93c: integer expression expected
./build: line 1529: [: 7bb57d5b80b660eb81ae54a4078f30531a26f93c: integer expression expected
./build: line 1534: [: 7bb57d5b80b660eb81ae54a4078f30531a26f93c: integer expression expected
Your DirectAdmin version (7bb57d5b80b660eb81ae54a4078f30531a26f93c) is older than minimal required for this version of CustomBuild (1.63). Please run '/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build update_da'

[root@webXXXX custombuild]# /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin v
DirectAdmin v.1.643 7bb57d5b80b660eb81ae54a4078f30531a26f93c
[root@webXXXX custombuild]#
than minimal required for this version of CustomBuild (1.63)

> custombuild]# /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin v
> DirectAdmin v.1.643 7bb57d5b80b660eb81ae54a4078f30531a26f93c

1.643 is higher than 1.63. The whole command of getting the da version is not correct which is why its throwing the error. That version check expects numbers not a random string. I fixed it anyways but this stuff needs to stay in edge/beta if you ask me. I use stable for a reason and not edge as release that I want to install/use.
Fresh install. Breaking my auto installations once again.

[root@webXXXX custombuild]# ./build rspamd
./build: line 1516: [: 7bb57d5b80b660eb81ae54a4078f30531a26f93c: integer expression expected
./build: line 1521: [: 7bb57d5b80b660eb81ae54a4078f30531a26f93c: integer expression expected
./build: line 1529: [: 7bb57d5b80b660eb81ae54a4078f30531a26f93c: integer expression expected
./build: line 1534: [: 7bb57d5b80b660eb81ae54a4078f30531a26f93c: integer expression expected
Your DirectAdmin version (7bb57d5b80b660eb81ae54a4078f30531a26f93c) is older than minimal required for this version of CustomBuild (1.63). Please run '/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build update_da'

[root@webXXXX custombuild]# /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin v
DirectAdmin v.1.643 7bb57d5b80b660eb81ae54a4078f30531a26f93c
[root@webXXXX custombuild]#
I was unable to reproduce it:
# /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin v
DirectAdmin v.1.643 7bb57d5b80b660eb81ae54a4078f30531a26f93c

I think you have a custom downloaded CustomBuild, which is not bundled with DA. Please let us know the output of:
/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build version

It should just show 2.0.0
Seeing the same thing on a new server right now. As requested @smtalk :

root@redbull:~/da_server_updates/exim# /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build version
2.0.0 (rev: 2945)
root@redbull:~/da_server_updates/exim# /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin v
DirectAdmin v.1.644 2138cff12eb6d60eec6bde18b2bf38b208f9ae51

Error when building with it:
Your DirectAdmin version (removed) is older than minimal required for this version of CustomBuild (1.63). Please run '/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build update_da'

Not fixed by:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build custombuild_plugin