Solved Custombuild can not load log / does not create log

Richard G

Verified User
Jul 6, 2008
I can understand no logs are shown if you don't use Evo skin and thus custombuild via CLI.

But if I switch to Evo as admin on any server, and to some update like today the Direct admin update, there is an error that log can not be loaded.


And if I view the log section of Custombuild they are all 0 bytes.
The upper one from today, is for sure made via CB in Evo, most others just via CLI.


Maybe it's a permission issue.
The logfile custombuild.1720713268.3569774.aW5zdGFsbAA.log from today is non existing in /var/log/directadmin.

Older custombuild logs look like this:
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root        0 2024-06-16 06:00 custombuild.1718510400.224024.Y3Jvbl9leGVjdXRlAA.log
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root        0 2024-06-17 06:00 custombuild.1718596800.1864984.Y3Jvbl9leGVjdXRlAA.log

This is the permission/owner of the /var/log/directadmin directory:
drwx------. 2 diradmin diradmin 12K 2024-07-11 17:54 directadmin

How can we fix this
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Ah oke thanks. But why the error then? Because afterwards you can just open the 0 bytes logfile. They better could write like "no log created" or something like that.

So if I'm correct then:
Directadmin update -> no log
Cron update -> no log

But other things like:
build exim config -> log
update_versions -> log

So no need to worry, working like designed?
Yes and the cron jobs. I was wondering because it threw an error because manually it loads the log but it's just empty. So the error is odd.
And I had so many 0 byte logs.

But all is normal so I'm happy again. :)