Custombuild/Cloudlinux cagefsctl


Verified User
Apr 3, 2009

Is it possible to update the cb script to make it set a lock file if you run ./build update_versions so it would not run cagefsctl --force-update every time a update for software X has finished? Just make it when you run ./build update_versions that cagefsctl --force-update runs ad the end of a update run.

Servers that have a ton of users where it takes long to run these commands is just eating up time in doing maintenance on servers.

Would be nice if this could be implemented.
Cagefs is a feature of cloudlinux, used to manage the resources of each user, rather, isolate each user. Therefore, when the update is complete, you must update the configuration for each user, so you must run the command cagefsctl --force-update. If you don't want to run this command then disable cloudlinux's cagefs.
@mhsolutions I think you didn't get my point here.

I'm saying that the whole update of all users could be postponed until all software updates are done instead of doing this cagefsctl --force-update every time when a software update finishes.

In other words, If you have 5 software that have updates eg: exim, dovecot, proftpd, httpd, awstats, it will run 5!! times cagefsctl --force-update.
Do this with at minimal 3K users it will take ages before the updating is done.