CustomBuild feedback/findings


Verified User
Sep 30, 2004
BC, Canada
Good afternoon all. Here's my feedback/findings with CustomBuild so far.

  1. I can not seem to configure domains with their own custom php.ini.

    If I edit "suPHP_ConfigPath" in "/etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-suphp.conf" the global config path does change, as expected.

    I need to change (or at least I thought I did) the "suPHP_ConfigPath" under the users httpd.conf "/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/USER/httpd.conf" or a .htaccess in their doc roots. Neither one of which seems to work. *shrug*

    For example;

    Editing "/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/admin/httpd.conf" does not work. I thought this would work for sure. :D

            <Directory /home/admin/domains/>  
                    Options +Includes -Indexes
                    suPHP_Engine ON
                    suPHP_UserGroup admin admin
                    suPHP_ConfigPath /home/admin/domains/

    nor does editing a .htaccess in the doc root. (Last ditch effort.)

    Create "/home/admin/domains/" with the following contents;

    suPHP_ConfigPath /home/admin/domains/

    Oh, and yes, I did restart Apache after making the edits to the users httpd.conf. :) Am I possibly just missing or overlooking something?

  2. If you remove the proftpd RPMs prior to upgrading/installing it with CustomBuild, you end up without an init script or the DA modified proftpd.conf. No big deal, however you can not restart proftpd from within DA without the init script and FTP bandwidth logging would be affected.

CustomBuild sure is looking good. Nice work guys!
You need to remove suPHP_ConfigPath from the configuration file if you want to use it in virtualhosts. About #2 - you can write DA support to include the script too. Thank you for the good words! Have a good day! :)
You need to remove suPHP_ConfigPath from the configuration file if you want to use it in virtualhosts. About #2 - you can write DA support to include the script too. Thank you for the good words! Have a good day! :)

Dang... that was it, thanks smtalk.

Once I removed "suPHP_ConfigPath" from "/etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-suphp.conf" and restarted Apache everything worked perfectly. :)

I wonder if the "suPHP_ConfigPath" directive shouldn't be removed from the "/etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-suphp.conf" by default to prevent confusion?
I don't think so (for now). From PHP 5.3.0 we will have this feature: said:
The new php.ini files parser/scanner + CGI/FastCGI? "htaccess" style ini file support
Most of us don't have any idea of the various new features, how to implement them, and why.

I'm looking forward to your contributions to the new wiki ;) .
