CustomBuild not updated... ever???


Verified User
Feb 26, 2007
I've noticed that Custom Build hasn't been updated much lately despite several new versions coming out of a LOT of stuff lately. Dovecot is 4 versions behind on CB, as well as things like ProFTPD, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, and even the DirectAdmin build itself!

I've run ./build update_script and ./build versions to ensure I always see the latest of everything, and I'm still getting stuff like.....

./build versions
Latest version of DirectAdmin: 1.35.1
Installed version of DirectAdmin: 1.36.0

DirectAdmin 1.36.0 to 1.35.1 update is available.

Latest version of Apache: 2.0.63
Installed version of Apache: 2.0.63

Latest version of ProFTPD: 1.3.2
Installed version of ProFTPD: 1.3.3

ProFTPD 1.3.3 to 1.3.2 update is available.

As you can see, I've manually updated some things myself... and even more I haven't even listed here. But it's frustrating that it shows "updates are available!" to versions that I've already surpassed long ago.

Any news? Is Custom Build going away? No longer supported? OR is it just summer and I need to shut up and go back to my hibernation.
Have you ran ./build update? That actually updates your version.txt and downloads software archives.

The way I check things is:

./build update
./build versions to check what's new
./build <what I want to update>

Or you could run ./build update_versions to update all updates. In case you have some customized things you might don't want that.
Man, I am an idiot. I've been using CustomBuild for.... 3 years? I guess I just forgot to do that recently. I've always done it before because I've been able to grab the latest versions. For whatever reasons, I got hooked on update_script recently just because I thought that would inherently update the versions as well as the script itself.

Now it's working. Please disregard my stupidity, and thanks! :)