customer billing application


Verified User
Jun 25, 2004
los angeles
Is there a way to set up customer accounts and automatically bill each customer each month to their credit card?
I personally think it is in an underdeveloped state and shouldn't be used until at least the next major release.

In the mean time, try paypal subscriptions. Billing is automatic, credit card processing is secure, and you don't run the risk of having someone steal your customers personal information off your server, which you would be liable for if it happened.

If you have already gone throught the trouble of getting a merchant account with someone like or linkpoint central, they too can auto process against your customers card each month, for a fair monthly fee. This also relieves you of the burdon of securing your customers most private information.
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direct admin customer billing

I apologize. What I meant was this: Is there a way in DirectAdmin to set up customers and bill them automatically each month (or other configurable period)?
Not yet, but it sounds like an excellent ideal for a "plugin". Fusionictnl, I think we have a couple of votes here about what your next plugin should be :)
I'd third this! Looking for a worldpay plugin that would integrate the futurepay system and an 'over-quota' monitor and additional billing system integrated with a reseller system that allows different prices for each reseller and reports the resellers profit per month so I can pay them.
There are already several threads on the issue of customer billing.

Do you really want to have DA staff spend their limited time on a rather complex feature that's already provided by at least three other vendors?

Perhaps you do, but if the reason is so that you won't have to pay extra for it, then consider that you will have to pay extra for it. Either in cost of
DA, or in lack of work on other features you want; there's no such thing as a free lunch.

Someone has already mentioned Whois.Cart in this thread. To that may I add ModernBill.

ModernBill is a full-featured mature product, and is working for some rather large companies handling thousands of webhosting customers' billing each month.

I had a look at Modern bill and have been in contact with them but they can't seem to do what I 'd like - and so far I've struggled to change what I 'd like to fit their system. The main problem is the forum link I have for them is password protected. I'll look at whois cart.

I don't mind paying for anything I need either - I'm not looking for a free lunch just something that fits my needs as best as possible.

If for instance a further 50 people had replied by now saying yes - we'd like exactly that too then maybe there would have been a general need discovered.

(my apologies if my suggestion was covered elsewhere - I didn't see it)

It's still important that people should feel free and welcome to express their needs and wants - because people will simply stop contributing if they feel that they'll get shouted down by someone more knowledgeable.

By the way (totally off thread) thanks for the SpamBlocker release - it has worked wonders for my users!

I'm sorry, I didn't realize Fusionictnl was part of the DA staff. I was under the assumption that they were a freelancer who may enjoy contributing to the DA plugin community, which I hope grows by leaps and bounds here in the next few months. I know I plan to contribute now that Fusionictnl has blessed us with an excellent example of how a plugin is designed.
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We use whois.cart and think its great. The cost alone makes it worth having a look at. It handles automated signups, domain registrations, domain transfers and account suspension within DirectAdmin. It handles automated payments as well.

My only grumbles are

1) that is does not allow customers to see previous invoices, only the current invoice.

2) It doesnt support Worldpay's futurepay.

Version 3 (codenamed Silverstar) looks exciting too.

Neil :D