customer change password issue


Verified User
Dec 12, 2005
is there a way where customer changes his password, a email of the new password will be sent to admin so the admin can update the password database in WHMCS?

or can DA talk to WHMCS using API or some other ways to change both passwords (AE control panel password, and WHMCS password for storing purposes)?
This is not whmcs forum. You need to go to whmcs website.
I actually think the post is more appropriate here than at WHMCS since the user is changing the password in the DA panel first. congkai wants to know if there is a way DA can send him the new password so that he can manually update WHMCS or if DA can send WHMCS the password automatically. Either way DA would have to do something as a result of the password change. That is why he is asking here.

So with that said, I don't think there is any way DA can send you the new password as that would be a security risk. What you can do is edit the skin so that the user cannot change the password from DA and instead gives the user the direction to change the password from WHMCS instead and give link to your WHMCS database.

I know you want to keep the passwords synced but I don't think there is a way to do that from DA. The only way to do it is from WHMCS since DA only keeps the plain text password in memory for the duration of the process.
great answer floyd. thank you.

i seriously smiled and feel happy to have you as part of the DA member. well done.
Yes but isnt there a way whmcs can update the password then pass it to da. Whmcs sets up the new account I would think it would be able to update the pass somehow. Not da then whmcs.
Yes but isnt there a way whmcs can update the password then pass it to da.

Yes absolutely. That is why I said

What you can do is edit the skin so that the user cannot change the password from DA and instead gives the user the direction to change the password from WHMCS instead and give link to your WHMCS database.

The problem congkai is having is that users are updating their password in DA and not in WHMCS.

As you say WHMCS can pass the password to DA. But he wants to know if DA can pass the password to WHMCS which is No.
Normally it wouldnt matter if they change the pass in da. Are your users complaining that when they change the pass in da it is not updated in whmcs? You should explain to them that they are 2 complete different systems. Its probably more secure if they do have 2 different passwords then one password passed across multiple systems.
Its probably more secure if they do have 2 different passwords then one password passed across multiple systems.

I think you are getting confused between the whmcs login and DA login. There is a different login for whmcs than DA.

whmcs also stores the DA password so that a customer can login to whmcs and then click a button to automatically log them into their DA control panel.

If the customer changes the DA password from DA instead of whmcs then the autologin feature of whmcs will not work.
whmcs also stores the DA password so that a customer can login to whmcs and then click a button to automatically log them into their DA control panel.

Doesnt seem very secure to me. If someone breaks into someones whmcs account they can go right into their files in da then.
I did not think we were talking about security. I simply answered the poster's question. But since you brought it up you are correct. But its not my place to tell somebody what they should or should not do.