DA Apache 2.4.27*** Stopped ***


Verified User
Jul 20, 2017
Need help to get the Apache httpd server up and running again...updated to CustomBuild 2.0 last night, doesn't seem like anything is working my site is telling me it is not secure and a few of the client sites are completely down. Also, tried to restart the debian 8 server as well as load the backups. NEED help please...
You might want to closely compare the options.conf file of your previous CB and the current CB2 options.conf
I'm not familiar with where to look for it...is there a way to restart the apache
so these are the commands that I did:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
...all -d

It seemed to work just fine when it ran, the apache server i believe was down before that was updated. the codes to get it to restart aren't working either...do I have to reinstall the apache?
service httpd restart
...should restart apache

It would have been better if apache was just running before the CB-update.
Now you maybe have to look for 2 problems.
I would start looking into the apache error.log first to see why it didn't start.

Have you done ./build rewrite.configs after the CB-update?
(I think CB does it automaticly by now, but I still see it advised to do so anyway).

I don't have deep knowledge of everything on Linux, so others will hopefully chime in with more helpful tips and commands.
i did do the rewrite.conf....
hm. when i run 'service httpd restart' it comes back -bash: service: command not found'
Are you under the root user? service command not found would be returned if you were for example user admin.
i logged in under the root just now and when I re-entered that command it did not do anything..
i logged in under the root just now and when I re-entered that command it did not do anything..

U anything, so no errors shows , no started shows whatever in the command root shell you are in then, just totaly nothing ?

Wich update from which version you did?

Custombuil1 to custombuild2 ?

What are all the version and which software in use, and also before you did updates?

You did ask you hoster for support ?

Also you say 2 Users don't have problem, you are really sure their Websites are running on that DA machine to which for do you know for sure httpd is down?

my httpd is down and I can't get it back up...tried to do restore of backups after trying for over a day now to get it to start. i'm using debian/linux server (the apache 2.4.27 says that it stopped in the system information) need help to restore. I have 12 domains/users that are completely offline..

On that note why are 2 of the users not affected by this?

I am sure non could help you without more information, also you can try to get Paid support from some Forumusers as example SMTALK here, mostly that goes faster then waiting for posts and answers here in Forum, is better for your Users. ;)
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