Problem in Admin Backup/Restore
1) The new backup system would be:
Admin Level -> Admin Backup/Transfer
It provides backups for all accounts, their types and packages, etc..
2) The older system is:
Reseller Level -> Manage User Backups
It's very similar, but it provides only User backups and doesn't restore Reseller information (even though it's all in the backup). The only difference between the files themselves is the nameing format.. conents are the same with the Admin Backup/Transfer.
3) A custom system would be:
Admin Level -> System Backup
Which is just an interface to the "sysbk" backup script.
Note that it does not come with a restore tool. It simply creates tar.gz file of whatever you've selected.
Using #1 would be simplest for saving/restoring full accounts.
Excuse me.. I have used the Admin Level -> Admin Backup/Transfer
to backup my DA. But when I deleted one of user in Admin and restore
admin backup. it shows that restore successfully, but the deleted user a/c
cannot restore. WHY? or the feature doesn't support that kind of function?
Also, when I restore the user backup, it show those error in Message box:
Unable to exact backup/user.conf from /mnt/backup/admin/user.admin.puppy.tar.gz : Error while extracting backup/user.conf to /mnt/backup/admin/puppy as admin : /bin/tar: /mnt/backup/admin/puppy: Cannot chdir: No such file or directory
/bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
gzip: stdout: Broken pipe
Cannot read /mnt/backup/admin/puppy/backup/user.conf : Unable to open /mnt/backup/admin/puppy/backup/user.conf for reading.