Hi guys,
DA backup is so weird
Because Admin backup in DA is not icremental (it's stupid everyday save and send that same stuff) and causes high load we decide to do it in some clever way.
1. DA system backup (without mysql and users home dir) - for system config files
2. DA Admin backup (without files and mysql) - for user settings
3. mysqlautobackup - for dumping mysql databases
3. rdiff-backup to send 1 & 2 & 3 to another server.
What do you think: will be enough to restore everything in case of emergency? (No?)
Yesterday we want move one of user account to another server and this was excellent time to test this approach. We was shocked when this backup do not restore everything!!!
1. If we uncheck option "Databases" (step 4 Admin backup) then in user.tar.gz file is missing file with info about user DB and pass!!! :O WTF?!?
2. Also we checked "Email accounts" (step 4 Admin backup) but user.tar.gz file also don't have emails!!! (only config)
I'm missing something? How to restore EVERYTHING without make FULL DA backup (like as say before, it's stupid to .gz and send every day that same stuff)?
How do you backup hosting server with hundreds of users?
Thank you for help.
DA backup is so weird
Because Admin backup in DA is not icremental (it's stupid everyday save and send that same stuff) and causes high load we decide to do it in some clever way.
1. DA system backup (without mysql and users home dir) - for system config files
2. DA Admin backup (without files and mysql) - for user settings
3. mysqlautobackup - for dumping mysql databases
3. rdiff-backup to send 1 & 2 & 3 to another server.
What do you think: will be enough to restore everything in case of emergency? (No?)
Yesterday we want move one of user account to another server and this was excellent time to test this approach. We was shocked when this backup do not restore everything!!!
1. If we uncheck option "Databases" (step 4 Admin backup) then in user.tar.gz file is missing file with info about user DB and pass!!! :O WTF?!?
2. Also we checked "Email accounts" (step 4 Admin backup) but user.tar.gz file also don't have emails!!! (only config)
I'm missing something? How to restore EVERYTHING without make FULL DA backup (like as say before, it's stupid to .gz and send every day that same stuff)?
How do you backup hosting server with hundreds of users?
Thank you for help.