Increasingly over the last month and a half, my server has been acting up. I can't pinpoint the cause that begun the series of problems, but looking at the logs - I believe named (and possibly DA) are to blame.
To begin with, usually once every day, my server becomes unresponsive. I can't access sites on my server through their domains, SSH fails to load after entering the user password (hangs), FTP fails to load after entering the user password (hangs). However, the sites are still accessible through the server's IP - and for the majority of these problems, DA continues to be responsive from http://ip:2222/ (which is good, because I can restart the server and all will be O.K for another 12 hours or so).
After having a friend look over the server, he noticed DA was constantly restarting SSH. Additionally, when I look at the system.log - there have also been numerous named restarts.
To save space, I only included a few lines, but you get the picture.
On top of these problems (and may or may not be related), the DA error log shows this:
Now, my IP (which for privacy's sake we'll say is, is bound to eth0 along with my alternate IP of xxx.xx.xx.xx2. The first IP is on my license file, I don't see how there is a conflict: but DA seems to think there is. Yes, I have updated the license file from within DA. Could this licensing error be attributed to the other problems?
Is it really necessary for those services to be constantly restarting? If it's of any use, I'll post the full logs: any help I can get would be extremely appreciated. I'm at my wits end with this ongoing problem.
To begin with, usually once every day, my server becomes unresponsive. I can't access sites on my server through their domains, SSH fails to load after entering the user password (hangs), FTP fails to load after entering the user password (hangs). However, the sites are still accessible through the server's IP - and for the majority of these problems, DA continues to be responsive from http://ip:2222/ (which is good, because I can restart the server and all will be O.K for another 12 hours or so).
After having a friend look over the server, he noticed DA was constantly restarting SSH. Additionally, when I look at the system.log - there have also been numerous named restarts.
2005:09:10-15:06:13: named restarted
2005:09:10-15:07:00: named started
2005:09:10-15:07:12: named restarted
2005:09:10-15:08:00: named started
2005:09:10-15:08:13: named restarted
2005:09:10-15:09:01: named started
2005:09:10-15:09:13: named restarted
2005:09:10-15:10:01: named started
To save space, I only included a few lines, but you get the picture.
On top of these problems (and may or may not be related), the DA error log shows this:
2005:09:14-07:07:16: Socket write error: fd is connected to a pipe or socket whose reading end is closed. When this happens the writing process will also receive a SIG_PIPE signal. (Thus, the write return value is seen only if the program catches, blocks or ignores this signal.)
2005:09:14-07:07:16: Error while sending ./data/skins/enhanced/images/header.gif
2005:09:14-07:11:40: Socket write error: fd is connected to a pipe or socket whose reading end is closed. When this happens the writing process will also receive a SIG_PIPE signal. (Thus, the write return value is seen only if the program catches, blocks or ignores this signal.)
2005:09:14-07:11:53: ioctl can't find the server's ip address for eth0
2005:09:14-07:11:53: The ip of this machine () does not match the ip in the license file.<br>
Now, my IP (which for privacy's sake we'll say is, is bound to eth0 along with my alternate IP of xxx.xx.xx.xx2. The first IP is on my license file, I don't see how there is a conflict: but DA seems to think there is. Yes, I have updated the license file from within DA. Could this licensing error be attributed to the other problems?
Is it really necessary for those services to be constantly restarting? If it's of any use, I'll post the full logs: any help I can get would be extremely appreciated. I'm at my wits end with this ongoing problem.