DA + Drag&Drop Site Creator?


Verified User
Sep 14, 2005
Union, KY
Is anyone running Drag & Drop Site Creator with DA? In their installation guide, it says the following:

To get it running you need a dedicated IP address and a subdomain with a wildcard pointing to it. In your DNS record it should look like that:

sitecreator.yourdomain.com. IN A
www.sitecreator.yourdomain.com. IN A
admin.sitecreator.yourdomain.com. IN A
*.sitecreator.yourdomain.com. IN CNAME sitecreator.yourdomain.com.

The in the exemple need to be a dedicated IP no used by any other virtual host. the can be shared with other virtual host as a standard web site.

How would I set this up in DA? Currently my server has an IP. I also have a "main" web site under a user account that has another dedicated IP. How can I assign multiple IP's to a subdomain as indicated above?
They've given you part of the answer. You need an extra dedicated IP.

Once you've got the extra dedicated IP you've got two other issues.

The first is getting a subdomain on a separate IP#. In DirectAdmin the only way you can do that is by having a separate user account for the dedicated IP#, and setting up the subdomain as if it were a full domain.

The second issue is the "*" wildcard character. I'm not sure if you can enter a wildcard character through the DNS management section of DA or not. If not, and if the server is yours, you'll have to edit the zone file yourself. You may have to set the zone file as immutable to keep DA from ever trying to change it.

So the whole answer is that you might be able to do it, but it's not easy or straightforward.

Nor is it easy and straightforward with most hosting control panels, because most of them have similar limitations.

ArielHost said:
Is anyone running Drag & Drop Site Creator with DA? In their installation guide, it says the following:

How would I set this up in DA? Currently my server has an IP. I also have a "main" web site under a user account that has another dedicated IP. How can I assign multiple IP's to a subdomain as indicated above?

We experimented with DragAndDrop... even paid them to install it after I couldn't decipher their instructions. They we're unable to get it working properly, even with full root access to the dedicated server. This went on for over a month, I eventually had to get refunded and find another solution (which we're very happy with).
What solution did you end up choosing?

Also, how did you create that nifty "DirectAdmin Login" form on your main site? That is very nice.
DragDrop Site Creator in Direct Admin

We had 4 customers that purchased DragDrop Site creator and installed it on direct admin.

Hostpc is the only one it didn't work for.

The key to a successfull install its the Apache config and DNS setup.

You can send your configuration files along with your key file and we will make sure they are setup correctly.

Re: DragDrop Site Creator in Direct Admin

philippesql said:
We had 4 customers that purchased DragDrop Site creator and installed it on direct admin.

Hostpc is the only one it didn't work for.

The key to a successfull install its the Apache config and DNS setup.

You can send your configuration files along with your key file and we will make sure they are setup correctly.


It's too bad you couldn't get mine working (even on a dedicated server - with full root access) ... I might have stayed with your product. :rolleyes:
and we felt bad about it.
Loosing your business was a wake up call for the entire company.
Since then we have been working hard on a new version that is "drop and run" with an auto installer Wizard.
With no DNS or dedicated IP setup.

I just wanted to update in case anyone was interested...

The great tech support people at SQLFusion were able to get Drag & Drop Site Creator running on my server and it is working great! I would highly recommend this site builder tool and this company - they provide superior support.