DA install location, and the correct way to use the server


Verified User
Feb 2, 2007

Hopefully my questions will make some sense and I will get some helpful replies...

1. Where does DA get installed? What I mean by this is, where are all the web pages that I see when using DA stored on the server? I am sure I won't be able to see the source code or anything, but it would be good to know at least where they are...

2. I am using Fedora linux on my server. The default HTML directory seems to be /var/www/html/. If I create users with DA, the default HTML directories for the users become /home/user1/public_html, /home/user2/public_html/, etc. As the owner of the server, it would of course make sense for me to host my own website on it, and I am wondering whether I should put my web site in /var/www/html/ or create a user for myself and put it in /home/myself/public_html/. Are there any clear advantages/disadvantages with either of these approaches?

Thanks a lot in advance to those who can answer some of these questions.

What I mean by this is, where are all the web pages that I see when using DA stored on the server?

The skins can be modified but it you modify the skins DA installs then they will get overwritten with the next DA update. You can clone or copy the skins and modify the copies and then they will not get overwritten.

Skins tutorial here http://www.directadmin.com/skins.html

As the owner of the server, it would of course make sense for me to host my own website on it, and I am wondering whether I should put my web site in /var/www/html/ or create a user for myself and put it in /home/myself/public_html/

As the owner of the server you already have a username, admin. You can add domains under the admin user. As the admin you are all three, admin, reseller, and user.