DA License


Verified User
Feb 3, 2020

I'm looking for DA license below 15 USD ( Unlimited accounts ) Does anyone know an authorized reseller?
You may choose hoster with internal licenses, usually free.

Do you mean to take a license from my Hosting Provider? Yes, I spoke to them. They said they can offer a license. But they said need to reload my OS. I don't know why they need to reload my OS. My existing trial license has been expired .
You may choose hoster with internal licenses, usually free.
In what country is that? Most datacenters/hosters I know charge around 5-6 euro per month.

@pixGT Are you sure your hosting provider knows of your existing trial license? Because only thing needed would be a change of your UID and LID in DA and for them maybe a change to OS in their licensing system. No need to reinstall the OS (if that is what you mean by reload the OS).
Point them to this:
In what country is that? Most datacenters/hosters I know charge around 5-6 euro per month.

@pixGT Are you sure your hosting provider knows of your existing trial license? Because only thing needed would be a change of your UID and LID in DA and for them maybe a change to OS in their licensing system. No need to reinstall the OS (if that is what you mean by reload the OS).
Point them to this:

Hi. Thank you for your reply. Please see the screenshot I attached here.

Ukraine, besthosting.ua, free licenses for their vps/vds/dedicated servers

Yes, I understood. But we have multiple servers in our colocation Racks. We can't move out of the existing racks.
Well, als you can see from the helpfile that's nonsense. Maybe they have to do it because it's coupled with some automated software to add a license to some vps or server. Only reason I can think of.
However, you could use the admin backup/transfer to backup admin and all resellers and accounts.

Download all backups, have them install the OS with DA new like they want to.
Then fix DA again, like enable SSL and DKIM and all other stuff you want, and then restore all accounts again.
Not my favorite solution, but if they refuse to change the license id...
You could point them to the help file I linked to about changing licenses. But if they don't want to give that kind of support, not much you can do.
Yes, I understood. But we have multiple servers in our colocation Racks. We can't move out of the existing racks.
In such case if you have a lot of servers in one datacentre, and don't want to move to another, you can try to order internal licenses, maybe you will need to have some IP-pool .