DA & MySQL Default Character Set


Verified User
Jul 4, 2006
When Insrall DA, it will install MySQL 5 with default character set for SERVER to latin1 and collate = latin1_swediash_ci.

This cause a lot of problem to display local Language.

Anyboy can tell bow to change the MySQL "Characte Set" for SERVER and "collate".

This means all Database will use this Character Set as default.

Thanks & Best Regards
in /etc/my.cnf

place below [client]:

default-character-set = utf8

place below [mysqld]:

default-character-set = utf8
default-collation = utf8_unicode_ci
Thanks for your help

I try "vi /etc/my.cnf" but it always show a "New File".

So, I dont' know where is my.cnf I should edit or I have to creae a new one. I think MySQL should already have it but I really don't know where.

Please help again. I'm really new in Unix/Linux World.

Thanks & Best Reagards
By default there's no MySQL config file unless you create one.

So a new file is exactly what you should expect, the first time.

Thank You So Much to ALL

Now, MySQL Character Set Server works as expected. Thanks for your kind help.

Anyway, although phpMyAdmin shows the language correctly, the web pages is still show ????, unreadable.

Not only this, when I send email to all users contains local language, it shows Thai properly when enter the details but all users when they go to the link they can see the message unreadable as follow:

Subject: การติดต&#;


Now, I don't know where is the problem, Linux Font or DA?

Please help to fix this error.

Thanks & Best Regards
I try but it's failed.

I create a small php to retrive data from the same table WITHOUT SPECITY & SPECIY "SET NAMES TIS620". I'm also try the mysql shell and it gives the same Errors.

I can't run over it.

I'm thinking to stop my hosting site for a while to solve this problem.

If anybody know how to change character set of centos 4.3 please tell me. I want it can display TIS620 by default.

Thanks & Best Regards