DA not reporting correct disk usage


Verified User
Dec 3, 2003
I have a reseller that has 7 domains set up. On DA it shows he has used 99.79M of his allocated 3000M. Yet, when I run a du command of all his folders I get this result:
691M brandags
51M careycore
673M debbie
135K kinoba
6.3M oratorio
578M proreale
343M teacher
7.8M wedding
2.3G total

Does anyone happen to know why the number is so different? According to DA he has only used 99 meg, but he really has used 2.3 gig.
Also, why is the number in the "Site Summary / Statistics / Logs" link different than what displays on the main page? This count seems more accurate.
The Answer

For all those who may ever experience this issue. My VPS provider (Tektonic.net) fixed it for me. This was the answer I got:

The quota file on your vps needed rebuilding, it was corrupt somewhere inside it causing non-system accounts to not be known to the quota setup.