Da not setting permissions right on public_html


Verified User
Jul 3, 2005
When da is setting up users they are not getting the right permissions on public_html.

How can I fix this?

I have to personally chmod each directory to o=+rx for anything to be viewed.

Please explain how I can patch something or update it so it can work.

I have about had it with all the things I have had to fix due to da. Over 3 days of totally reconfiguring my system just to get it to work properly.

What owership/permissions is the directory getting? DA should set them to owner:apache mode 750. This allows the owner to read/write into the directory and apache (the webserver user) to read from it.

There are a number of posts covering how to modify this using custom scripts if you don't like these permissions. You should also make sure that your webserver is running as the correct user.