DA port not accessible


Verified User
Jun 2, 2008
recentrly our directadmin port is not accessible some times, and after restart directadmin service it work again. (directadmin is running but not respone till restart)

any soloution to avoide this ?
recentrly our directadmin port is not accessible some times, and after restart directadmin service it work again.

We've had the same problem, but only since recently upgrading to v1.32.1 (which could be a coincidence). We monitor port 2222 and there's no evidence of a problem there, nor is there any firewall problem. We simply have to restart DA from shell in order for our clients to access their control panels. This is obviously embarrassing, so we've put in a ticket with DA and hope for a solution.

If ever you cannot accecss the login page, but DA does appear to be working fine when you check from ssh, you can always try loading up DA into debug mode.
cd /usr/local/directadmin
/etc/init.d/directadmin stop
./directadmin b800
then try to access the login page with your browser.

Check the /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/ip_blacklist to ensure that you have not blacklisted yourself.

Another thing (while DA is running in the normal mode, when you can't access it) is to try checking all daemons to see what they're up to.
killall -USR1 directadmin
This will tell each child process to dump it's current stats to the /var/log/directadmin/error.log. You should get about 5 or 6 entires in your error.log.. usually it will look something like
2008:07:10-01:53:24: DA [26233] : currently processing : Waiting for child exit : 5 servers
2008:07:10-01:53:24: DA [26234] : currently processing : Sockets::wait()
2008:07:10-01:53:24: DA [26235] : currently processing : Sockets::wait()
2008:07:10-01:53:24: DA [26236] : currently processing : Sockets::wait()
2008:07:10-01:53:24: DA [26237] : currently processing : Sockets::wait()
2008:07:10-01:53:24: DA [26238] : currently processing : Sockets::wait()
So if you dont' see that, but instead see the 5 child processes being busy with something else, it would simply be a case of not enough child processes to handle all the connections. If that is the case, you can edit your /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf and crank up this value:
You can try 15 at first, or more, depending on what you're seein in the above dump of statuses.
