DA Shell plugin


Verified User
Jan 24, 2007
I was just wondering, is there a Shell plug in for DA? I've googled and searched for it for some time now but I can't find any.

Back in the days when I was using Webmin the shell plug in was a nice feature. One didn't need SHH access, They could just login into Webmin and work in the shell-environment trough a simple (java, or something) plug in.

Now, if I want SSH-access I have to wave of the 'waranty' of our server-maintainer and start paying them a fee for support ( which is free now ). So you can see why I'd like an easy way to access the shell without having to connect trough some program.
So what you want to do is disobey your server-maintainer and do something they don't allow :) .

So what happens when they find out?

There's no plugin solution I know of but there are plenty of googlable solutions you can install yourself.

You can find one here.

So what you want to do is disobey your server-maintainer and do something they don't allow :) .

So what happens when they find out?

There's no plugin solution I know of but there are plenty of googlable solutions you can install yourself.

You can find one here.


Well I do not intend to break the current agreement, I just want to bend it a little. It's not really a matter of life and death, just shell acess would be darn handy for installing stuff like spamassassin.

Thank you for the tip, I didn't think of using something 'outside' of DirectAdmin.
cgi shell would be better, cgi-telnet google that, Unless you are running php suexec the phpshell will be apache and you wouldn't own ur files , just able to write and alter whats world writable. Cgi runs suexec on directadmin and most other environments. using cgi-telnet is exactly like a user logging into ssh