DA turns off every night


Verified User
May 8, 2004

For three last days DA turns off by itself every night. Apache, exim, proftpd etc. are working but....DA panel just turns off and I am not able to access it through http://domain.com:2222.
Any ideas why? I need to reboot server to make it work next day..
Please replay.

Also, this won't turn on DA also:

kam# pwd
kam# ./directadmin start
Starting DirectAdmin: [ OK ]

And this is nto working too:

kam# pwd
kam# ./directadmin start
Starting DirectAdmin: [ OK ]
kam# ./directadmin
Usage: {start|stop|status|reload|restart}
kam# ./directadmin status
directadmin (pid 188 4392 4398 4412 4415 4420 ) is running...
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Typically if the status command shows it running, it means it is running. Did you check "netstat -a" to see if the service was listening for connections?

tcp 0 0 *:2222 *:* LISTEN

and did you do "top -c" to make sure directadmin wasn't defunct or runnig 100% before resetting the server?
I do not understand this part:

and did you do "top -c" to make sure directadmin wasn't defunct or runnig 100% before resetting the server?

Now I guess it is too late to check it. There is nothing about it in README files or whatever that I need to do something before rebooting. I was doing reboots without any problems before, but for few days from now it keeps turning off.
Sorry, top is just a command that outputs similar information to the ps command, but in a continuous loop. It shows more information about the status of the running processes than ps, and is a great tool for finding out whom is eating up all the server resources.
It's not a big issue that it hits 90+% unless it stays there and never falls. I've seen two other threads I think in the last week of people having an issue of directadmin pegging out at 90+% and never falling back down. I'm not sure if a cause or solution has yet been identified.

Rather than rebooting the server tomorrow, you may try to "kill -9 {pid}" the pid of the directadmin service. To find that pid, you would do a "ps -e | grep directadmin", which should result in something like:

30566 ? 00:00:01 directadmin
3200 ? 00:00:00 directadmin
3201 ? 00:00:00 directadmin
3249 ? 00:00:00 directadmin
3252 ? 00:00:00 directadmin
3253 ? 00:00:00 directadmin

usually killing off the top one will kill them all off. So in this case, I would only do a "kill -9 30566"

Then you should be able to restart it via your normal /etc/rc.d/init.d/directadmin start command (on RedHat).

Thanks for replay.

Look at this:
Processor Name Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz (2813.54-MHz 686-class CPU)
Total Memory 1019.07 MB
Free Memory 38.4766 MB
System Uptime 0 Days, 19 Hours and 57 Minutes

kam# uptime
2:36PM up 19:56, 2 users, load averages: 1.00, 1.00, 0.98
kam# ps -e | grep directadmin

And here is after reboot:
kam# uptime
2:43PM up 3 mins, 2 users, load averages: 0.04, 0.09, 0.04
kam# ps -e | grep directadmin

after executing top command:
188 root 10 0 2292K 1108K wait 0:00 0.00% 0.00% directadmin

Seems to be ok, but it will start again within few minutes or hours - the eating memory thing.

Next time you see it doing that, take note of the process number (ie: 188) and run the following:

kill -USR1 188

That sends a signal to the process to dump it's current location into the /usr/local/directadmin/error.log file.
